In her book, “What I Know for Sure”, Oprah Winfrey tells a story of a life changing experience. The year was 1998, she had been promoting the movie Beloved in a live television interview with the late, great Chicago Sun-Times film critic, Gene Siskel, and everything was going perfectly smooth, until the time came to wrap things up. “Tell me,” he asked, “what do you know for sure?”
She said, “This was not my first rodeo. I’ve asked and been asked an awful lot of questions over the years, and it isn’t often that I find myself at a complete loss for words–but I have to say, the man managed to stop me in my tracks”. “Uhhhhh, about the movie?” I stammered, knowing full well that he was after something bigger, deeper, more complex, but trying to stall until I could come up with a semi-coherent response. “No,” he said. “You know what I mean–about you, your life, anything, everything. . .” “Uhhhh, I know for sure . . . uhhh . . . I know for sure, I need time to think about that some more, Gene.”
Ginosko, the Greek word for knowing, learning, realizing, or gaining knowledge, helps us to understand knowing at a new level. It suggests or means to KNOW at a personal level, not because of anyone else’s experience. When you stop to think about your life, what do you absolutely know for sure? Some will respond, “I know my parents love me”. Others might say, “I know my children, siblings, family, or friends love me”. Or you might say, “I know I’m a decent person!” Today I invite you to a journey of reflection and maybe…a new place of knowing.
In Philippians 1:6, the scripture says, “Be confident of this one thing”. In a Lisa translation, “This is one thing you can count on for sure”. The scripture continues by stating, “He who began a good work in you, shall complete it”. I don’t know what you may be going through or what you’re facing. But, I want to encourage you. If God has taken you to something, He is willing and able to take you through it. And because God is the one who began a good work in you, God will complete it.
So often, we slow our process down when we chase distractions; when we listen to what others have to say about our situation; when we begin to doubt what we’ve heard from the Lord and any number of things that become hiccups and roadblocks hindering our progress and .
The word of the Lord says, “Be confident”, “Be assured”, “Be certain”, that the one who began this work in you has neither forgotten nor forsaken you. In Job 42:5, Job said, “I knew you because of what I heard from others. Now I have seen with my own eyes!” In other words, I no longer live on the experiences of others with you God, now I KNOW you for myself. Get to KNOW God for yourself, so that you will walk in the assurance that God’s got you and will see you through! What do you know for sure? Take good care of you!