Trouble has always been something that I have usually wanted to avoid. Until I began to study the work of the Honorable John Lewis, trouble was dodged as much as possible. Over the last week we honored the Congressman’s life and legacy and found that “good trouble” is something we will experience when we are serious about our call to ministry.
Congressman Lewis was a lover of people and stood for what was just and fair. Even though he knew he had to live in a world that did not always accept him based on the color of his skin, the integrity he demonstrated and the content of his character spoke volumes ~ whether he was talking or not. He was not willing to back down from that which was hard or messy! He was a living example of what it meant to get into “good trouble”.
An Environment for Good Trouble in Ministry
John Lewis is a template of how to live and how to move in your call to ministry. He had an attitude of “nevertheless, not my will but thine Lord”. Politics was the environment or platform he used to walk out his call. Friends, you never know what venue God is going to place you in to flow in your call. Don’t underestimate where God has placed you. Be open to the possibility of you being the change agent in that environment.
It is amazing how when your ministry is to stand in truth and to represent the love of God, you realize there will be difficult decisions to be made and in many instances those pronouncements will get you into trouble; but, remember it will be for a good cause. My prayer is that whatever ministry God has called you to, will be a place where you don’t shy away from whatever “good trouble” you will have to face. Check out this trailer:
Whatever your call, take good care of you!!!
Dr. Lisa