As you prepare for the holiday, Christmas that is, what is the message you are playing in your head? What are some the things you are preparing for “inwardly” as you “outwardly” make your playlists of music, trim your tree, wrap your gifts, and cook your magnificent feasts?
What are you expecting in this season of your life? How are you preparing for the incoming year? You see, Advent simply put, means coming into, hope, anticipation, or waiting if you will. In the Christian community it is often attached to the second coming of Christ. For me, it leads me to consider what I’m believing will come into place for my life. What am I expecting the Lord to do through, with, or for me in the coming days.
So, I ask, do you have any expectations? Do you have any hopes that you are believing will show up? Are you living out your own expectations or the expectations of others? Are you living out your own dreams and hopes or living according to others’ plan for your life? In the book of Jeremiah, in the 29th chapter around verse 11, the word of the Lord states that He knows what He’s doing. God has a plan for your life. It is a plan that includes a hope, a future and an expected end. And if you read on to through verse 14, he says if you pray, he will listen and if you seek him with your heart, he guarantees that you will find him!
As we engage in the hope, love, joy, and peace of the season, where are you in your journey? What are you seeking in this season of Advent? What are you hoping and believing? How are you preparing for what God wants to give you? Believe me, what you are expecting, is already expecting you! Choose your steps wisely!!!
Take good care of you!
Dr. Lisa